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Exquisite Rose Bangle


Exquisite Rose Bangle

Exquisite rose bangle is a type of jewelry that is designed to resemble a rose.

The bangle itself is shaped like a rose and can be worn on the wrist as a bracelet. It is often considered a luxurious and elegant piece of jewelry.

Floral embellishment added to this precious metal makes it a unique piece.

Real roses become dry and shrivelled with time. It becomes an unappealing brown. But the roses carved on these lustrous bangles never loses its shine and color and gives your personality an appealing touch.

Style these bangles with any attire from an embroidered saree to satin slit dress and high heels to make a statement.

Price mentioned is for a single piece only.

Availability: In Stock

Exquisite Rose Bangle


Exquisite rose bangle is a type of jewelry that is designed to resemble a rose.

The bangle itself is shaped like a rose and can be worn on the wrist as a bracelet. It is often considered a luxurious and elegant piece of jewelry.

Floral embellishment added to this precious metal makes it a unique piece.

Real roses become dry and shrivelled with time. It becomes an unappealing brown. But the roses carved on these lustrous bangles never loses its shine and color and gives your personality an appealing touch.

Style these bangles with any attire from an embroidered saree to satin slit dress and high heels to make a statement.

An exquisite rose bangle can be styled in a variety of ways to suit different occasions and personal preferences.

Styling Tips

  • Wearing it as a standalone statement piece, allowing it to be the focal point of your outfit.
  • Pairing it with other delicate jewelry, such as a simple chain necklace or stud earrings.
  • Wearing it with a formal outfit, such as a black-tie gown or a tailored suit.
  • Layering it with other bangles or bracelets for a bohemian or eclectic look.
  • Wearing it with a casual outfit, such as a t-shirt and jeans, to add a touch of elegance to a more laid-back look.
  • Wearing it in a non-traditional way, such as on your ankle or as a brooch.

Ultimately, the way you choose to style your exquisite rose bangle is up to you and should reflect your personal style and the occasion for which you’re wearing it.


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Exquisite Rose Bangle